Supermarket Shopping in Panama
Panama is one of the most stable Latin American countries economically and politically speaking. If you are thinking of living in this important country of Central America and want to know about prices in Panama. Among them the prices of the basic basket, you can take a look at this list.
Below you can find a practicle list of spanish words to help you shop easier and quicker:
Bread - Pan
Sliced bread for toast - Pan de molde
Butter - Mantequilla
Jam - Mermelada
Milk - Leche
Semi-skimmed - Semi-desnatada
Full fat - Entera
Cheese - Queso
Eggs - Huevos
Ham - Jamon
Chicken - Pollo
Pork - Cerdo
Beef - Ternera
Turkey - Pavo
Bacon - Beicon
Fish - Pescado
Apple - Manzana
Lemon - Límon
Orange - Naranja
Tomato - Tomate
Cucumber - Pepino
Lettuce - Lechuga
Onion - Cebolla
Tinned chopped tomatoes - Tomate troceado
Tinned crushed tomatoes - Tomate triturado
Tuna - Atun
Oil - Aceite
Olives without stone - Aceitunas sin hueso
Olive with stone - Aceitunas con hueso
Ice cream - Helado
Biscuits - Galletas
Rice - Arroz
Salt and pepper - Sal y pimienta
Garlic - Ajo
Sugar - Azucar
Sponge - Esponja
Washing up liquid - Lavavajillas
Toilet Roll - Papel Hijienico
Suntan Cream - Crema Solar
Bleach - Lejía
Washing powder - Detergente
Conditioner (clothes) - Suavizante
Shampoo - Champu
Conditioner (hair) - Acondicionador
Water - Agua
Fizzy - Con gas
Wine - Vino
White wine - Vino blanco
Red wine - Vino tinto
Beer - Cerveza
Coffee - Cafe
Tea - Te
Camomile tea - Manzanilla
Dairy Products - Productos Lácteos
Drinks - Bebidas
Fruit & Veg - Frutas y Verdura
Cleaning Products - Limpieza Del Hogar
Sweets & Cakes - Dulces y Bollería
Bakery - Panadería
Wine & Spirits - Licores y Vino
Newspapers & Magazines - Prensas y Revistas
Fishmonger - Pescadería
Butcher - Carnicería
Ready Made Meals - Platos Preparados
Make-Up Counter - Maquillaje
For food purchases, El Rey or Riba Smith is the safe option for fresh produce 24/7 or traverses the street for fresh fruits and vegetables sold by local farmers. At the other extreme, Las Pergolas Mall is home to several shops specializing in wines and meats, and the chain of supermarkets of the highest category, Riba Smith, which houses fresh meat and fish and has an excellent pastry house. Super 99 houses lower-priced items, and Good Price Supermarket.