Stemma di Veraguas: Il Paradiso è in Panama

Adventure Editorial Family Fun Mini Break

Isola dello Scudo di Veraguas

Prenota le migliori esperienze e tour in Panama:
Se stai prenotando il tuo viaggio a Panama all'ultimo minuto, siamo qui per te. Di seguito alcuni dei migliori tour ed esperienze!Se stai prenotando il tuo viaggio a Panama all'ultimo minuto, siamo qui per te. Di seguito alcuni dei migliori tour ed esperienze!
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Located in the Caribbean, between Colon and the Bocas del Toro archipelago, we find a unique island, not only in Panama, but in the world. The Escudo de Veraguas, located in the Ngabe - Bugle region, is an island of only three hectares, if you are well equipped with high boots, long pants and bravery, to face the lush jungle that covers the island.

Isla Escudo de Veraguas

Belonging to the province of Bocas del Toro, due to a stroke when defining the region, the Escudo, is a completely virgin island, inhabited by the few natives who live there, and by a scant handful of cabins that serve as refuge to the fishermen who go through this area, where the fish is abundant and the nature exuberant. Despite belonging to the province of Bocas, this island is, for all intents and purposes, an autonomous ngabe-bugle territory.

Due to its distance from both the mainland and other islands, this paradise is home to many species that we cannot find anywhere like the three-toed lazy pygmy, which is in danger of extinction. In addition, great diversity of snakes, spiders, lizards and birds form the ecosystem of this Caribbean island. The water that surrounds this place, completely transparent, houses a large number of colourful fish and coral reefs where hedgehogs, the sunfish or striped blankets are hidden among others.

Isla Escudo de Veraguas

Going into the mangroves of this island is priceless. The lush vegetation, which fills the peripheral view, is reflected in a completely transparent water, only dyed turquoise by the corals at the bottom. If you are lucky, you will see the lazy pygmy swimming between these mangroves from island to island in search of food.

To get here you need a car, a boat and a lot of patience because the trip takes approximately fourteen hours from Panama City. It is important, before venturing to reach this earthly paradise, to organize your visit well. To do this, you can contact Geoecotur, who will personally ensure that your trip to the Escudo is perfect.

Isla Escudo de Veraguas

Geoecotur, was born as a dream in 2015 with the premise of providing an excellent service anywhere in the world with responsibility, reliability and security, with the primary objective of obtaining the satisfaction of our customers. In addition, within the organization of this getaway, logistics plays a fundamental role, since you will have to take with you the camping kit, the cooler, and food, although this last, once in the Escudo, Geoecotur team can help you to find fish, lobster or spider crabs for a small fee. It is also important to keep in mind that there is no drinking water in the Escudo, so you should also get several gallons of water in one of the stores in the port of Chiriquí Grande.

Geoecotur are a group of nature lovers, they seek to teach Panama in a responsible and sustainable way taking care of our resources and making our visitors aware and admire the beauty of our country. They are offering trips to protected sites conservation talks travel advice professional tour guides service transfers.
Isla Escudo de Veraguas

The price of the trip is varies best contact Geoecotur for exact pricing and personalised trips. Also, you can dive or snorkel in the large coral reefs to the southeast and northwest of the island, always respecting the environment without pulling anchors or walking on the coral. If you want to visit a forest with huge trees, frogs, snakes ... there are a couple of trails that cross parts of the island, but they are extremely humid and in those it is very possible that when walking them you end up walking in mud up to your knees or more.

Once arrived at the north slope of the island, an extensive beach delimited by the beginning of the forest awaits adventurers from all over the world who want to camp in paradise. With Geoecotur you can enjoy from mountains trips and outdoor activities visiting exotic sites in Panama with personalized service.

Reminder: It is essential to bring anti mosquitoes because the presence of these here is excessive and not take with you the repellent can turn an unforgettable adventure into an odyssey that you do not want to repeat again.